FAQ About Availing Physiotherapy At Home in Coimbatore
What is the price for availing Physiotherapy treatment at home?
Our prices for Physiotherapy is INR 600 per session but depend on the medical condition, type of services & other details. We have monthly packages also.
Is your therapist are certified?
Yes. Our therapist are certified, experienced and well trained by experts.
Is I can postpone or reschedule the session?
This you have to discuss beforehand with the Relationship Manager because treatment should happen in agreed duration and number of session for fast recovery.
How does physiotherapy helps?
Under the umbrella of physiotherapy there are many specialization, it reduce your acute and chronic pain.
Can I have physiotherapy when I am pregnant?
Yes, your body under goes a lot of changes during pregnancy and this can cause discomfort and lower back pain due to natural postural adjustments. Neo Physio can relieve your pain and maintain healthy pain free function.
What are some good question you should ask physiotherapist before your appointment?
How long my session will be?
What should I wear?
Will it hurt?
Any other things need to keep in ready before you come?
Is I can avail physiotherapy at home in Coimbatore?
Neo Physio is a home healthcare company exclusively for physiotherapy. We treat all age groups and medical conditions at your home at your comfort.
Is female therapist available for female patients?
Neo Physio has physiotherapist in both male and female gender. Based on the medical condition, availability and willingness of the patient, we assign therapist for the patients accordingly. We strongly recommend the presence of a close relation / kin / bystander along with the patient in the same room where consultation, examination and medical treatment is taking place. Presence of a bystander is mandatory. Neo Physio treat all age groups, all genders and all physiotherapy required medical conditions at your home at your comfort.
What is the duration of a physiotherapy session?
Minimum 45 min and the duration is based on patient evaluation and treatment.
Which place in Coimbatore I can avail physiotherapy treatment at home?
We are currently available in every place in Coimbatore. Yet to be available everywhere in Coimbatore district as soon as possible.
How can I find physiotherapist near me?
To avail physiotherapy service at home in Coimbatore we have multiple options to reach us. You can book online through our website or social media or request a call back in website or simply you can dial +91-9943923231.
Do I need a doctor’s referral for availing physiotherapy at home?
No, you can approach Neo Physio without a doctor’s referral.
My Doctor referred me a physiotherapist, is I need to go the same therapist?
No, it is your wish, you can choose NEO PHYSIO
What can I do if my physiotherapist is rude to me?
As a physiotherapist they will have only professional and ethical conduct to their patients. Some treatment techniques may give heavy pain but it was a part of treatment. Even though if you felt it was a wrong approach you can make a complaint with us at anytime.
Is I need to share my personal contact details with therapist?
Under no circumstances physiotherapist will not ask for your contact details and therapist also not allowed to share their
personal contact details. Official details about therapist one who is assigned for you will be shared before he reach your home.
Above mentioned are some Frequently Asked Questions to avail physiotherapy service at home in Coimbatore. For more clarification you can call : +919943923231 or mail to info@neophysio.in