Geriatric Physiotherapy

Geriatric physiotherapy focuses on the unique movement and places a special emphasis on the needs of ageing adults. Our treatment helps to reduce the risk and impact of illnesses that are more likely to affect older people. There are many conditions that affect people as they grow older such as arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, joint replacements and balance disorders. We offer a range of classes and programs specifically designed for seniors seeking to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Working with older adults means working within a wider multidisciplinary team to achieve meaningful outcomes for older adults such as maintaining functional independence and living at home for as long as possible.

Geriatric Physiotherapy in Coimbatore,

The goal of our geriatric physiotherapy treatments is to help:

Our therapists draw their knowledge of anatomy and physiology along with the three main domains of rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, musculoskeletal rehabilitation and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation for treating age seeking adults.

How Geriatric Physiotherapy in Coimbatore Works?

Geriatric means old age, the most anticipated time period in everyone’s lives. The period which every people aspires with calm and peaceful environment, away from all family and work related responsibilities, good health .But very sadly suffering with all old age related conditions, due to wear and tear .Every child wants to take good care of their parents but due to long working hours and short free time available to them, hospital needs of old age people are attended only when a grave emergency occurs. We Neo Physio serving physiotherapy service at their doorstep in Coimbatore at their preferred time. Our experts can readily take the treatment care for old age loved ones with touch of personal care and provide them both physical and mental well-being.

Our geriatric care includes physiotherapy for chronic debilitating conditions, neuromuscular cardiac and skeletal disorders. Geriatric physiotherapy care is challenging because it is a mix of skeletal neuromuscular cardio respiratory disorders and skills needed for treating them is to tackle all these challenges. Neo Physio offers various treatment packages for geriatric home care physiotherapy in Coimbatore comprises of best quality and cost effective treatments for every physiotherapy needs. For more details regarding home care physiotherapy treatment packages and sessions contact us. We care for you and we are changing lives. Neophysio one of the best Geriatric Physiotherapy Service Provider in Coimbatore.

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